
How Do I Increase My Leptin

Isaac Robertson

Last updated: July 26, 2022

Leptin is a hormone that plays an important role in your overall wellness, including appetite and weight regulation.

If you're overweight and feel trapped in a vicious cycle of weight proceeds despite a vigorous fettle routine and a calorie-restricted diet providing various nutrients, you might have become leptin-resistant.

Luckily, it's possible to contrary leptin resistance naturally (unless y'all have a serious medical status similar rare congenital leptin deficiency caused by genetic mutation).

Nosotros've asked a qualified health intendance professional to provide medical advice on how to boost your leptin, and here'due south what we've learned.

How Tin I Increase My Leptin Levels to Lose Weight?

Below are several strategies you tin employ to increase your "satiety hormone" leptin levels naturally without synthetic leptin supplements to regulate your metabolism and appetite so that you prevent excess body weight proceeds, enhance weight loss, support healthy weight management and overall health [1].

ane. Avoid Foods That Reduce Leptin Sensitivity

tray of donuts, plate with pizza, and a man doing the no sign

Scientific evidence suggests that sure foods may increase triglyceride levels in your blood.

Triglycerides are proven to cross the blood-brain bulwark, increase inflammation, crusade insulin resistance, and induce a medical condition called leptin resistance [2].

These unhealthy food choices include:

  • Foods high in added sugar (including fructose) like doughnuts, cakes, sweetness pastries, cookies, chocolate, candy, some cereals, sugary soft drinks, sodas, fruit punch or juices, high-fructose corn syrup, etc.
  • Refined carbohydrates with a loftier Glycemic Index (GI) such as white bread, pizza, potatoes, pastries, pasta, sweets, soft drinks, and other highly processed foods with added flour or sugar
  • Foods high in artificial trans fats such as cakes, cookies, French chips, and other fried foods, some pastries, microwave popcorn, margarine, cooking vegetable and seed oils too high in omega-6, and all highly processed foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
  • Processed meat like bacon, pepperoni, sausages, ham, hot dogs, beefiness jerky, corned beefiness, smoked and deli meats, etc.

Alcoholic drinks, and other sweetened beverages, and like foods high in refined grains, added fats, sugar, artificial flavors, etc.

ii. Eat Foods That Stimulate Leptin Production

woman giving a thumbs with healthy food as background image

A well-balanced diet with healthy, nutritious, whole foods that may boost levels of leptin in your body, helping you meliorate insulin sensitivity, control hunger, prevent overeating and maintain weight loss and salubrious body weight include:

  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • Loftier-protein meals considering a protein-packed breakfast can raise weight loss by improving leptin sensitivity [3], plus help build lean muscle mass and prevent muscle loss while losing trunk fatty mass [4]
  • Healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats and long-concatenation omega-three polyunsaturated fat acids [v]
  • Enough of soluble fiber, which may assistance amend your gut health and forestall obesity
  • Complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, which help decrease appetite and calorie intake

Foods loftier in Zinc as research suggests that Zinc deficiency may result in obesity-related leptin resistance [6]

What Foods Are High in Leptin?

bowl of different beans and peas, and a stack of different berries

Since your body doesn't absorb leptin through the abdominal tract as information technology'due south a hormone produced in your adipose tissue, there aren't any foods high in leptin that can heighten your blood leptin levels.

Still, some foods can lead to increased or decreased sensitivity to this "starvation hormone."

The healthy foods that may increase your leptin sensitivity, helping you suppress ambition, metabolize food more than efficiently, and burn backlog body fat include:

  • Non-starchy vegetables - leafy greens, kale, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, and like veggies raw, steamed, roasted, in salads, broth-based soups, etc.
  • Fresh fruit - berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries) and other depression-sugar fruits with lower GI
  • Legumes - lentils, peas, beans, etc.
  • Whole grains - chocolate-brown rice, whole-grain breadstuff and pasta, chickpeas, quinoa, oats, and similar loftier-fiber cereals
  • Lean meats - poultry, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines), seafood, grass-fed beef, or lamb
  • Healthy fat in moderate amounts - olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, high-oleic sunflower oil, avocados, nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin), or fats naturally found in plants or animal products similar eggs, dairy (yogurt and fermented cheese), cocoa, nighttime chocolate, etc.
  • Mushrooms
  • Unsweetened beverages - lemon h2o, herbal, black, or green tea

3. Brand Long-Term Diet and Lifestyle Changes to Better Leptin Resistance

woman relaxing outdoors, and two old couples running as exercise together

Although y'all tin't easily eliminate leptin resistance, researchers plant that some long-term balanced lifestyle changes may:

  • Contribute to a better overall life quality
  • Help you increment leptin sensitivity and metabolism
  • Positively influence or help avert health problems like high blood pressure, heart and kidney problems, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, issues with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands hormone secretion, and many other medical conditions common in obese people.

Here are several healthy lifestyle habits beneficial in helping you lot achieve higher leptin levels to lose weight and keep it off.

Follow a Sustainable and Healthy Diet

a nutritionist writing on a paper while holding up an apple

Follow a leptin diet designed by a certified nutritionist to lower triglycerides and maximize the flavor and nutrition you get from food while enhancing fat loss.

Essential guidelines include eating twenty-30g of protein for breakfast, having three daily meals without snacking, reducing carbs, finishing dinner at least three hours before bedtime, making at least a 12-hour break before breakfast, practicing portion control, and terminate eating before yous experience full.

Try various forms of intermittent fasting as such time-restricted eating tin aid y'all control leptin, contributing to better health, sustained energy residuum, and faster weight loss [7].

Avoid any weight loss diet with a drastic reduction in calorie intake because it can reduce the corporeality of leptin your torso fat cells produce.

Avoid lectins from cereal grains like wheat, barley, and rye because information technology binds directly with the leptin receptors in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, preventing leptin from binding adequately, possibly causing leptin resistance as several pocket-sized studies suggest [8].

Avert overindulging and consume mindfully to attain satiety and feel more satisfied for a few hours after eating. In other words: program, cook and peacefully enjoy your meals at home, remove tempting junk nutrient from your surround, focus on chewing nutrient thoroughly and slowly without getting distracted, and like.

Allow yourself a cheat day every (other) week to trick your body into feeling overfed. Eating more food occasionally helps shut off that starvation betoken past increasing leptin levels [9].

Your metabolic rate increases due to high leptin, signaling your trunk that in that location's no demand to conserve energy every bit it's non starving anymore.

Enough leptin lets your torso command hunger, prevent leptin resistance, get more fatty tissue and calories burned to maintain a good for you weight, and forestall obesity at the same fourth dimension

Engage in Moderate Physical Activity Regularly

man and woman doing lunges together in gym clothes

Besides reduced calorie intake, exercising can increase sensitivity to the leptin hormone secreted and synthesized past your fat cells [ten].

Too, your trunk fat stores decrease, preventing more weight proceeds even if you take a genetic predisposition to it, plus energy expenditure and weight direction become easier to regulate.

Simply the key is in getting plenty exercise regularly [xi].

"When a goal of exercise is to lose weight or amend free energy, overtraining tin clearly be a major barrier to achieving those goals." -Chris Kresser, M.S., Clinician and Educator in Functional Medicine and Bequeathed Health

Then, ensure y'all incorporate 30-sixty minutes of regular practice daily, including both moderate aerobic and strength-building exercises.

You tin also perform loftier-intensity interval training (HIIT) once a week for a higher metabolic rate and to stimulate the release of human growth hormone (HGH), adrenaline, testosterone, adiponectin, and endorphins, which enables stored fat to exist used as free energy, helps fight stress, prevents overeating, diabetes, heart affliction, regulates appetite, cholesterol, glucose levels, and more.

However, avert long-term over-training as it tin be counter-productive in many ways, causing high cortisol levels and oxidative stress damage, decreasing your levels of leptin and fat metabolism, compromising your amnesty, increasing hunger, etc.

Go Enough Skilful Night's Slumber

bearded man sleeping peacefully on his side in bed

Enquiry shows that chronic lack of sleep and poor sleeping habits interfere with normal leptin and ghrelin levels - the two hormones that regulate appetite [12].

"Sleep is primal, essential, absolutely downright necessary for our bones physiological operations – with special support for neurological performance, endocrine balance, immune system operation, and musculoskeletal growth and repair." Mark Sisson, The New York Times bestselling author of The Keto Reset Nutrition

Not getting plenty slumber will raise your "hunger hormone" ghrelin and subtract leptin levels, making yous hungrier and increasing the risk of obesity.

After a poor dark's sleep, yous're likely to wake up feeling hungry and overeat because your leptin levels decrease past 15%, as ane study found, sending your brain signals that you need to eat [xiii].

So, information technology'due south vital that you lot develop a consistent sleep schedule and get enough quality slumber - at least seven-eight hours per night.

Ensure your bedroom is night, quiet, without whatsoever electronics (phone, Tv set, or computer screen) and other distractors. Also, avert big meals, caffeine, and alcohol a few hours before bedtime.


woman in a yoga pose at home

When yous're stressed out, your body responds by elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

College levels of cortisol produced for a prolonged menstruation because of chronic stress may lead to lower leptin levels, comfort eating, anxiety, depression, low energy levels, and like consequences that brand losing weight harder.

Emotional eating goes hand in hand with excess body weight proceeds due to college nutrient intake and bad meal choices. .

It's because the hypothalamus of a stressed trunk often signals that it needs high-carb nutrient that can provide instant free energy, even if you aren't hungry (making you lot overeat).

That's why it's important to find time to residual throughout the day and acquire to manage stress.

So, sleep enough, spend fourth dimension with friends and family unit, exercise, read, take a bath, and exercise whatever relaxes you to reduce stress

How Practise I Restore My Leptin Levels?

Information technology doesn't have to be too hard to restore and meliorate leptin levels and encourage weight loss with the professional person guidelines above:

  • Swallow more cobweb, protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats
  • Avoid refined carbs, artificial trans fats, and other processed food
  • Do regular moderate practice
  • Get more sleep
  • Residuum and relax

It'd exist wise to consult your doctor, registered dietitian, and personal trainer before implementing any of these changes into your everyday life.

Also, call back to let united states know whether y'all've experienced any fatty-burning or other benefits from these tips.

Nosotros're looking forward to your great results.



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