
CES 2022 recap: What's new from AMD and Intel, a gold keyboard, and a hands-free car ride | PC Gamer - daltonthisharm

CES 2020 recap: What's unexampled from AMD and Intel, a metallic keyboard, and a work force-unbound car ride

VIDEO: Tim and Jarred talk over the PC hardware of CES 2020.

PC hardware isn't the focus of CES like it was in the 90s. The convention has ballooned to include just roughly all sort of current and future consumer technical school you can regard as: self-dynamical cars, smart homes, machines that fold up your washables or scoop your cat's litter boxwood. But that doesn't nasty that PC ironware has been squeezed out: It's allay there, humming along with the phones and magic fridges.

At the render last week, Tim and Jarred sat down to chat about this class's CES, what the major PC players brought, and how it stacks up to previous shows. (This is Jarred's 10th year attending, so He has a lot of account to draw from.) Get a full recap of the important CES 2020 announcements in the video above.

In short, CES 2020 was clean quiet on the Nvidia and Intel fronts, but AMD had a couple of things to flash, including its Ryzen 4000 laptop computer processors based on AMD's Zen 2 architecture—and Jarred breaks down why Intel should be afraid. The most impressive laptop we proverb was the Asus Zephyrus G14, which will alone be available with an AMD Ryzen 7 4000 series processor.

You keister also watch Jarred's trigger off in a self-driving car below, and get a closer look at that absurd gold keyboard here. We'd love to hear your thoughts connected CES 2020 in the comments OR in our new forums.

Joanna Nelius

When Joanna's not writing about gaming desktops, cloud gaming, or other hardware-related things, she's doing terrible stuff in The Sims 4, roleplaying as a Malkavian, or playing horror games that would give normal people nightmares. She also likes communicative adventures.


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