
Ghost Recon Breakpoint 1.04 Update Patch Notes - daltonthisharm

A brand new Ghost Recon Breakpoint update is available to download and install across PS4, Xbox One, and PC right now. Read on for the accomplished list of Obsess Recon Breakpoint 1.04 update spell notes. Some important improvements give birth taken place thanks to this update, including stamina improvements and the addition of camera shoulder swap in cover up.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint 1.04 Update Highlights

Ghost Recon Breakpoint 1.04 update

Before we start, we thought we'd clear upwards the confusion arse the update number. This 1.04 update version is simply what the Ghost Recon Breakpoint title update 1.0.3 has been called on the PS4. It's the same update across PS4, Xbox Ace, and PC. You'll need to take in some blank free for it, no weigh your platform of option. IT should personify around 7 GB on PS4 and Xbox One, and around 6.7 GB on PC. Despite the lifesize size of the update, you will want to download it, as it brings a tonne of fixes and improvements to the game.

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Camera Shoulder Swap in Deal

Piece at that place aren't too many virgin features in the update, being able to perform a camera shoulder swap whilst in cut through is sure as shooting a serviceable one. We don't know why you couldn't do this before the update, but hey, at to the lowest degree it's here straightaway.

Fixes and Improvements

As stated above, there are tonnes of fixes and improvements enclosed in the 1.04 update. Notably, stamina has been dramatically improved, which should make life in the biz a bit easier. Your base stamina has been upped by 66%, the stamina regeneration speed has been increased aside 75%, and stamina consumed when sliding has been halved.

On overstep of this, you'll find fixes to plenty of small bugs and issues in the game, including the removal of that annoying "Mission Completion" tutorial pop-high aft every single loading screen. Read through the patch notes below for all the fixes and improvements.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint 1.04 Update Patch Notes

The full lean of Ghost Recon Breakpoint 1.04 update patch notes is as follows, courtesy of Ubisoft:


  • Improved AI deportment of Carl's driving path in the A Great Escape mission.
  • Immobile an issue where the turrets did non follow the players.
  • Rigid an issue where the gun turret cannons did not turn with the player's camera.
  • Secure an issue where turrets sometimes became unusable away players after being hacked.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would sometimes break brood ahead reacting to the players.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would sometime stop aiming in real time at the players if they broke visual contact.
  • Secure AI navigation path for a enemies in Fen Bog down Testing Zone.
  • Stationary an issue with NPC conduct when exiting a vehicle they were stowed in if the players shot the vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the enemies in helicopters would not detect the players.
  • Fixed an topic where the Oxyuranus scutellatus air patrol crew would survive a crash.
  • Fixed an issue when convoy date enemies would stop lighting at players if they got behind them.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would not spread an alert after players' host migration.
  • Fixed an issue where Wolves could find and shoot players through Grinder Coloured at the entrance of Shark Bay.
  • Fixed an issue where the NPCs remained stuck afterwards being freed during a mission.
  • Fixed an make out where enemy patrols would develop stuck at a specific localization on Skell foundation campus.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC remained stuck in vehicle or else of exiting.
  • Fixed an return where drone and enemies blocked from each one other and remained stuck.
  • Taped an issue where Hunting watch poke spawned at inconsistent distances.


  • Fixed an brio bug where the character sometimes used the adjustive target living with no reason (not near a fence or an obstruction).
  • Set Wolves coat texture near second crash site.
  • Fixed character animation when trying to go under a small waterfall.
  • Added spasm animation when an friend is being revived by medic's drone.
  • Added a delay to player detection during the healing animation when using the revive drone.
  • Fixed animation replication bug when teammates were killed while carrying dead body.


  • Fixed audio issue where Fierceness figure sometimes had male voices during interrogative scenes.
  • Fixed an outlet where players couldn't hear outdoorsy sounds from within the building in Auroa Data Farm camp.
  • Fixed surrounding sounds payof at the Battery Farm subsurface settlement.
  • Fixed an put out where the data transfer sound kept playing when players were fitful during a plug.
  • Firm an audio issuing in Skell's Villa where players could hear the rainfall piece indoors.
  • Frozen an sound issue where discharge or explosion sounds could non Be heard if players were in unlike environments (interior/ out-of-door).
  • Fixed an issue where the Medic Skill sounds were not always introduce.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes players would be regular if joined when deploying the bivouac.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes get an infinite loading blind when entering a player-card from the Bivouac menu.
  • Fixed an issue where camping site behavior would be corrupted if a teammate logged out when the player was deploying the bivouac.
  • Fixed an issue where the character's backpack would sometimes cost invisible in the bivouac.
  • Geostationary an issue where players could sometimes get stuck or begin KIA when breaking camp from camping site.
  • Fixed an government issue where the camera transition did not crop properly if a player was in the Tacmap menu while break pack from bivouac.

Television camera

  • Set an issue where the photographic camera could pass through the Tavor Round weapon.
  • Secure camera stableness issue when players stopped to turn while in ADS.


  • Fixed an result that caused chat stimulus box to reset during game fall transitions.


  • Fixed a bug that caused some players to respawn under the map.
  • Geostationary vehicle emergency exit animation while in water.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to remain perplexed if they were pulled into a cinematic in CO-op spell investigating an intel.
  • Fixed an exit where visual feedback was not always triggered when the players fell and received damage.
  • Fixed an issue when players landed a helicopter on top of other.
  • Fixed an issue where players could follow through obstacles if spamming the climb button during animation or revive.
  • Fixed a graphical takings that occurred when players deployed a drone and then quickly ADS.
  • Revised priorities so that the game now prioritizes mission interaction terminated fomite interaction to prevent blocking players in some circumstances during missions.
  • Frag grenades now plenty more damage to vehicles.
  • Fixed an come forth where in a four-player co-op session, players were able to launch additional synchronise shot drones after the host of the session left.
  • Fixed an effect that caused the drone to stop deploying on some occasions.
  • Fixed an make out where whatsoever players could not reach rank 10 Field Medic.
  • Fixed an yield that sometimes allowed players to go through Biometric doors while in prone.
  • Fixed an upsho where MK.2 explosives and Intel Grenades were not on tap to stock Maria's betray later on unlocking them.
  • Fixed an issue where ever-changing fire charge per unit spell ADS deployed the drone.
  • Players buns now cancel the go-to vivification before ingress a fomite aside moving departed from the vehicle.

Cover System

  • You can now do a camera shoulder swap at extend! It will likewise turn out the main player on the spot.
  • Haggard aiming is now easy from a wider length and the incarnation is less likely to be seen.
  • Look complete and peeking off a cover is now easier to serve when belongings the movement input towards the cover.
  • Increased the lean on to uphold the orientation of the avatar when fillet to aim over a cover capable 45°, so the camera stays more often on its initial side.


  • Fixed a intercept where ammunition was not received later on being picked up.

Carte du jour

  • Fixed a notice bug where the missionary station appoint would not be displayed if a teammate replayed a mission that is locked for the player.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the programmers to instantly die when in contact with the car regardless of its speed in the A Great Escape mission.
  • Unadjustable a bug where players would have their weapon misplaced when entering Puri's agency in the Meet Puri missionary station.
  • Fixed an takings in the Rosebud mission where the mission did not confer with if the musician skipped the investigating step.
  • Flat an issue in the An Sincere Wizardry mission where each players spawned in Daigoroh's cell if they get KIA after the origin.
  • Fixed an number during the onboarding mission where players could not talk to Holt in Erewhon if they had not restrained the third helicopter crash.
  • Fixed an issue in the Defender Angel mission where Cromwell sometimes did not go to her computer to trigger the mission's next step.
  • Fixed an issue in the The Siren's Call mission where players respawned inside the undermine after existence KIA, without validating the step.
  • Rigid an issue in the The Cracking Scat mission where Carl did non drive to the vehicle if it was too far from its spawn point.
  • Fast an publish in coop that could block the mission flow for all players if deuce players joined at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue in the The Great Escape missionary station where the player would respawn inside the prison house after getting KIA.


  • Fixed an issue where L3GP night vision goggles blocked the weapon system reticle.
  • Realigned the angle of the bird's-eye night vision goggles to align better with the character's eyes.


  • Fixed an takings where sometimes players could not join a session victimisation the in-game third house if they stayed bone-idle for too long.
  • Fixed an issue where players would grow an Infitinity-00002 error after a unsuccessful host migration.
  • Determinate an issue where players would remain in infinite loading when departure a chemical group in PvE aft playing PvP.


  • Flat an issue that made the Windows key out non serviceable in menus and during gameplay.
  • Improved controls on PC to prevent conflicts when the Lapplander key was assigned to several functions.
  • Fixed a clangour occurring when trying to access the options menu later on changing graphics planned.
  • Improved the Side Missions scroll bar to lay down it easier to scroll when using mouse and keyboard.
  • Immobile an issue preventing the "Bring home the bacon + Tilt + Pointer" shortcut from switching displays in full shield.


  • Flat an issue in photomode where no perceptible change occurred when setting grain parameter to values higher than 16.
  • Fixed visual issues in photomode when television camera is under water.
  • There is at present a message in-game informing players they cannot use photomode when drone is deployed.
  • Fixed an issue in photomode where sometimes the television camera would go under the map.

Ghost War

  • Balancing
    • Sniper weapons no longer one-shot while using the Rolling Thunder perk.
    • Sniper weapon damages accept been slightly reduced to bring them into line with other sniper rifles (Weapons Affected: HTI, L115A3, M82, SRA1, TAC50, Victrix).
    • Drone health has been reduced, making information technology inferior likely to need more than one mag to destroy.
  • Connectivity
    • Fixed several causes of the Eternity error.
  • Gameplay
    • Hit damage index number accuracy improved when taking shots from the front – the hit damage indicator feedback is orientated in a top-depressed fashion rather than from player's position.
    • Shot downed enemies will no more trigger hit confirmations – which should improve feedback connected whether the enemy is down or not.
    • Gas drone damage now interrupts a player victimization a drone pipe.
    • Improved audio feedback of the Gas Grenade.
    • Added a cooldown to the Ping system to annul spam.
  • Maps
    • Tech Port: We've added new objects to prevent the accidental soft disconnected stairs while running prepared / mastered them.
    • We've ready-made some general fixes to the maps.
  • Matchmaking
    • Players will no longer join matches in procession, regardless of the round number.
    • Improvements enforced to the reconciliation of teams after matchmaking completes.
  • Milestones
    • Players stern now pin more than than 1 milestone for tracking.
  • Replication
    • General improvements to player replication.
  • Stats
    • Fixes enforced to Spook War stat trailing.
    • The Total Skell Credits gained stat now includes credits attained in Ghost War as well.
    • Trace War stats are now display right in the Loadout menus.
  • Usage Matches
    • Fixed lacking cursor on setting up equalise screen.
    • Fixed an issue that was blocking players from connexion a custom match.


  • Fixed a bug where players spawned in Erewhon after creating a new save on a one-armed bandit that previously had progress.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes Ghost Coins did not come along in the inventory later on leverage.

Graphic symbol

  • Fixed a intercept where players could get perplexed aft using their ability or frags while Panther Class is fitted out.
  • Fixed an issue where players would no more have the items wheel visible after an emergency exit from a vehicle in water.


  • Increased the base stamina past 66%.
  • Increased stamina Re-gen speed by 75%.
  • Reduced the toughness consumed when sliding by 50%.


  • Fixed an progeny where the mini-map would non update when players are detected by Surface-to-air missile launchers.
  • The mute ikon is now more visible in the menus on player avatars.
  • Fixed an exit where sometimes the forward perk slot would not unlock later beingness acquired in the acquisition tree.
  • Fixed an consequence in co-op where extraordinary player in the team up would get a permanent notification on projection screen to go back to Madera afterward being KIA during the Unity Last Thing mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Markers Size Alert values in the options menu did non set off whatever change.
  • Regressive an issue where the Pharos and Ping shortcuts where not displayed in the Control Helpers for the Medic Drone.
  • Removed hardcoded text from respective places in the menus.
  • Stationary an issue that could lead to unintended transactions if players go off the cursor during the Hold Action Grease one's palms or Sell prompt in Maria's shop.
  • Fixed the NK3 Ritual CQC weapon key in menus (formerly called NK3 K Total darkness | Ancient).
  • Unchangeable an issue where sometimes at that place would be gaps 'tween the tab icons after opening the loadout menu.
  • Fixed an issue where store notifications would sometimes have unknown characters after changing the game language to a language with a different alphabet.
  • Leaded individual instances of incorrect unlock requirement or descriptions for items.
  • Fixed an issue where the Object glass Card would sometimes persist secured if players left the gritty during the Onboarding mission.
  • Geosynchronous an issue where the input to consult intel was displayed as "press" instead of "hold".
  • Fixed missing text on most location discovery pop-ups.
  • The camos attained in Battle Crates now betoken whether they are for gear or weapons.
  • Fast an issue where the Vision Mode ability happening drone appeared as an option on the drone HUD before the power was unsecured.
  • Fixed an government issue that prevented players from victimisation the instructor shortcut while driving.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the notification to let players know when the exoteric matchmaking was canceled repayable to host migration.
  • Geosynchronous different typos.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mission Pass completion tutorial belt down-up would display after every loading test.


  • Fixed an issue where many convoys would spawn vertically into the ground.
  • Unmoving an issue where helicopters spawned from Erewhon would sometimes be damaged.


  • Immobile an issue where thermal vision in binoculars was not working properly at dark.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the replication of the rocket trail, missile, and explosion visual effects.
  • Rigid an military issue where textures would sometimes non load properly in the Picke Corporation Naval Base.
  • Fixed an issue where the chests would sometimes flicker in cooperative if single players opened them simultaneously.
  • Taped an issue where helicopters sometimes would non disappear properly from the sight of players when touching away from them.


  • Fixed an issue where the MAWL-DA track was overlapping with the built-in ironsight of the A2 ASR.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the P227 to penetrate heavy helmets and one-shot enemies.
  • Fixed an number with shotguns that often caused only a one-shot shot or else of respective.
  • Stationary an issue that prevented the Zasatava's specific ability to work properly. It can now pierce helmets As designed.
  • Improvements made to the issue where scopes would flicker when players ADS.
  • Flashbang sack now blind through and through vegetation (such as low shrub).


  • Fixed a bug where players could get cragfast as Maria's shop in Erewhon.
  • Removed unfixed objects in Auroa Data Farm.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from accessing the Skell's Last Log owed.
  • Removed a hole in the map near White Rooftree Campsite in Mount Hodgson.
  • Removed a airscrew social system that was floating in the middle of the ocean.
  • Fixed an issue where the water supply animation did not actuate when a helicopter hovered over the water.


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